The 4th of July celebrates the birth of our nation and is a fun holiday for humans. For dogs however, it can be very scary.
More dogs are lost over the 4th of July than at any other time.
They get frightened by the loud fireworks and run, bolting out doors and over fences. Make sure your dog has a license and ID tag on their collar. A microchip can't be lost like a collar can, but you do have to register the chip!
a quiet place for your dog during the fireworks, the basement is ideal
because it is more soundproof that the house itself.
Thundershirts in-store and online!
Thundershirt works wonders for dogs with noisephobia, the stretchy,
tight fitting coat swaddles your dog and helps decrease anxiety. The
Thundershirt works best when you put it on well in advance of storms or
fireworks. We also have all sizes of the Thundershirts. Since a good
fit is important, you can bring your dog in to try them on!
Tranquility Blend
are also herbal tinctures available to help calm your dog during
frightening events. We carry a variety of these tinctures, so come in
and talk to us about the best choice for your dog.
Be sure to protect your pup: keep 'em safe and sound, and let us know how we can help!